Friday, April 9, 2010

A Quilt For Taylor

Let me introduce you to one of my favorite arts... quilitng. I have to be careful, because when I get into a guitling groove, I have the urge to abandon everything else and just settle down into my own little world of fabric and thread. My love for quilting is also probably one of my biggest kept secrets, because few people seem to know I quilt. Probably because I am a little shy about sharing them. I also love dragonflies - almost as much as my an amazing niece, Taylor, who I made this quilt for! She lives far away and I don't get to see her nearly enough, so I made this one for her hoping that she would know how much she is loved and how often she is thought of! I chose these fabrics for their fresh colors and patterns. I had to have the dragonfly material and adore that dragonflies are even featured in the stitching. Can you see one?

I doubled a pattern called Take Three by The Teacher's Pet. My kiddos helped laying the blocks out and so some of the pieces aren't as randonmly placed as usual, but they love the fact that they were able to help. Which makes it totally worth it, afterall a quilt is supposed to be made with heart. This little dragonfly quilt certainly was! And finally, here is a picture of the rest of the quilt -

It was difficult to photograph, but you get the idea and I think she liked it, which is what really counts. Hopefully I will find better ways to photograph large items, because I have more to share...

Participating in The CSI Project

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Join us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!


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