Monday, April 11, 2011

WIN - Snickey

It’s not a scarf, it’s not a dickey… it’s the Snickey!  The Snickey is a safer and smarter alternative to a scarf for kids. Originally designed with kids in mind, it’s made of soft and lightweight fleece with a Velcro fastener- so kids can independently put it on and take it off.  The Velcro quickly disengages if caught on something. It keeps kids’ necks warm, but there is no dangling fabric. The Snickey comes in an array of colors with personalization and embroidery available. 

WIN: 24/7 MOMS and My Snickey are giving away a Snickey with choice of size/color and option to have it embroidered.

Enter for your chance to win:

1.  Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave  a comment that you subscribed along with your email address.

2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber along with your email address. 

Extra entries for each:

US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on April 23, 2011.

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**We received a complimentary My Snickey for review no financial compensation was received.

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