Monday, February 28, 2011

This week on 24/7 MOMS - Two NIGHTS Two SHOWS

Two NIGHTS Two SHOWS - Join us either Tuesday night or Wednesday night on 24/7 MOMS Live as we chat With Rebecca Knowlden author of On the UpSide. Hope for Parents....Success for the child with Autism. and then we will keep it simple with our Top 10 Time saving tips for moms

It all begins at Tuesday Night at 7pm PST/ 10pm EST OR Wednesday night at 9pm PST / 12am EST at

24/7 MOMS Live the show created by Moms just for Moms. (TV on your computer)

This Week 24/7 MOMS Live Features:

- Rebecca Knowlden author of On the UpSide . Hope for Parents…Success for the Child with Autism

- Trisha's 10 Time Saving Tips For Moms

- Mom Chat

- Fun MOM Giveaways

Put your kids to bed - Surf over to channel on your computer and join us.

Join the chat to WIN prizes

We go live every Tuesday night at 7pm PST/ 10pm EST or Wednesday night at 9pm PST / 12am EST at

Tweet, TXT, Facebook , invite all of your MOM friends to this weeks 24/7 MOMS Live Webcast.

Pass it On.... MOMtourage

Pass it On.....Chat it, Tweet it, Facebook it, Yell it, Shout it, Tell every mom that there are TWO nights and TWO Shows every week created by moms for moms

Help us continue to make 24/7 MOMS LIVE the #1 LIVE web cast for moms and you will be entered for a chance to WIN this weeks MOMtourage giveaway. (winner announced on Thursday AM)

2 Nights 2 Times Tuesday 7pm PST/ 10pm EST and Wednesday 9pm PST / 12pm EST

You can earn up to 4 entries each week by doing any of the below options, just be sure
to come back and fill out the form after each entry!

OPTION #1 - Post about 24/7 MOMS Live web cast on your Facebook, with a link to

OPTION #2 - Add the 24/7 MOMS Live web cast button to your blog . Copy and paste link below. ( receive a weekly entry every week you keep our button on your site).


MOMS, if you would like to add our button to your blog, please use the
code below.

Tweet about the weekly 24/7 MOMS Live web cast .

Sample tweet - Watch the #1 MOM webcast 24/7 MOMS Live every Tues 7pm PST/ 10pm EST and Wed. 9pm PST / 12am EST at @247moms

Sample tweet - Its FREE Its FUN - 24/7 MOMS Live webcast Tues 7pm PST and Wed. 9pm PST Mom Chat, Giveaways, Tips over at @247moms

OPTION #4 - Blog about the weekly 24/7 MOMS Live web cast with a link back to

Once you have completed an entry method, fill out the form below! Be sure you fill out a form for each entry you do.

4 Ways to Get Your Child Interested in Technology

by: Jessica Thompson

It’s 2011, and technology is everywhere you look—the internet, GPS technology, smart phones and so much more have all become a huge part of our everyday lives. As parents, it’s our job to help children safely navigate this vast world of technology. But how can we encourage them to use technology in a constructive, educational and/or creative way?

· Create a Website. One reason teachers often include a visual component (such as a poster or diorama) when assigning a big project is because they understand that the creative aspect makes learning a lot more enjoyable. Having your child create a website about something they’ve researched has the same effect: it gives them an opportunity to take something they’ve learned and present it in a creative, visually-appealing way. There are sites that will allow you to build a website for free—but if you want to get into the nitty-gritty of website building, basic HTML code is easy to learn and all you need to experiment with it is a program like Notepad!

· Start Blogging. Blogs are a great outlet for creative expression, and they can be focused on virtually any topic. Unlike a traditional journal, blogs are easy to share with friends and relatives, and doing so provides a great opportunity for kids to receive feedback. (What blogger doesn’t love comments?) For those concerned about privacy, most free blogging services allow you to keep your blog hidden so that it won’t appear in Google or other search engines, meaning that it can only be accessed by those who have the link.

· Educational Video Games. Educational games have been around for a long time. In recent years, however, the “edutainment” market has exploded as educators and developers alike have recognized the great potential of learning that is both interactive and fun. There are plenty of educational games that are backed by research, so why not give it a try?

· Photography. Most of us have used a digital camera, but did you know that there are cheap digital cameras out there designed specifically for kids? The cool thing is that many of these cameras come with software that allows kids to edit the photos, so they can get some experience with computer software as well.

Of course, there are many ways to help our children become proficient with technology. What are some of yours?

Jessica Thompson is a former language arts teacher who currently works for Mentor Interactive, a company that develops educational video games for children. When she's not working or spending time with her family, Jessica enjoys reading, writing, experimental cooking, and playing with the latest technological gadgets. Her husband and two beautiful daughters are her life!

Seussa Paloosa Cupcakes {Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss}

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Dr. Seuss,
Happy Birthday to you!

Dr. Seuss was born March 2, 1904! If he were still here, he would be 107 years old! Can you iMaGiNe? Think about how many more amazing books would be out there if he were still around! Dr. Seuss is among our favorite authors. We love Seuss' pure silliness! The crazy words and mixed up pictures make it soooooooo much FUN for my kiddos to get into! So, last year, when my oldest found out that it was Dr. Seuss' big day (he may actually still think the Cat in the Hat is Dr.Seuss), he wanted to share the celebration with his preschool friends. So, we made some Seussa Paloosa Cupcakes! They had to be red and white, just like THE CAT'S hat. Rather than monkeying around with red food coloring, we decided to try adding bright color and yummy flavor with Jello. Here's what we did:

Seussa Paloosa Cupcakes

Baked some plain old vanilla cupcakes. We let them cool for 15 minutes before using a straw to poke holes in each of them. Next, we mixed 1 cup of boiling water with one small package of red Jello - raspberry is what we had on hand. We stirred until all the Jello was dissolved and then we spooned the Jello over the cupcakes.

When all the cupcakes were bathed in Jello, we put them in the fridge for about two hours. Then we frosted them.

And sprinkled them.

 Now, just look at how pretty that raspberry Jello is! Yummy!

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. 
The more that you learn, the more places you'll go".... Dr. Seuss

What's your favorite Dr. Seuss quote/story?

*This post has been edited and reposted from last year.

I'm sharing this yumminess at TT&J's Weekend Wrap-Up Party
Weekend Bloggy Reading

FREE Subway Frameable Art For St. Patricks Day

Free St. Patrick's Day Subway art from Today's Fabulous Finds. There are several variations to choose from. Pick up Green or Black frames and frame these for Teacher gifts Click here to choose and print yours today.

Magazine Subscription Deals and Giveaway

It's a DEAL and a GIVEAWAY - for one week only Tanga is offering three fabulous magazine deals and two giveaways. So, if you are in need of some new mom reading material or gifts now is the time to subscribe to these great mom magazines.
Family Circle Magazine Subscription, $3.99 with coupon code '247MOM': (Reg price: $19.99 per year). Click here to subscribe.

Parents Magazine Subscription, $3.99 with coupon code '247MOM': (Reg price: $15.99 per year). Click here to subscribe

Disney Family Fun Magazine Subscription, $3.99 with coupon code '247MOM': (Reg price: $9.99 per year) Click here to subscribe.

WIN: Tanga is giving away a $25 Tanga Cash Gift card to TWO of our 24/7 MOMS.

Enter for your chance to win:

1. Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed along with your email address.

2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber along with your email address.

US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on March 6, 2011.

Enter your email address:

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WIN - Raisels

Are you searching for a healthier alternative to candy? The National Raisin Company has come up with the answer with Raisels. Raisels are the first 100% real fruit snack that actually tastes like candy. 100% Vitamin C, real dried fruit golden raisins, less added sugar than sweetened dried cranberries! – make Raisels a great alternative to cookies, candy and sugary fruit snacks.


  • 100% US RDA for Vitamin C
  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • Fat Free
  • Cholesterol Free
  • No High Fructose Corn Syrup or Artificial Sweeteners
  • No Sodium
  • Kosher Certified by the Orthodox Union
Click here to visit Raisels Facebook page.

Click here to visit Raisels Twitter page.

24/7 MOMS and Raisels are a giving away a prize package of a variety of Raisels.

Enter for your chance to win:

1. Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed along with your email address.

2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber along with your email address.

US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on March 12, 2011.

Enter your email address:

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**We received complimentary Raisels for review no financial compensation was received.

Drum roll please...... this weeks MOMTOURAGE Winne

Drum roll please...... last weeks MOMTOURAGE Winner is Shawn Harrington This weeks giveaway was the Set of JUNO products- Congratulations.

Thanks MOMTOURAGE moms for shouting out about us this week. Be sure to enter this weeks contest beginning today.

Winners be sure to email us at with your shipping information.

Table Talk

Tonight's Table Talk create conversation

Q: What is something mischievous you have done?

Q: What happens to tires when they get old?
A: They are retired.
(each day 24/7 MOMS posts a question and riddle to help you create dinner time conversation with your families)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

SSShhhhh....It's A Secret!

So much has been happening behind the scenes that I am unable to share pictures of yet but I can tell you a little about it.

Art and Soul Hampton 2011 is fast approaching and there is much preparation to be done.
First on the to-do list was the fatbook pages.  My first Art and Soul retreat was 2009 and I never even heard of a fatbook much less participated, but when i saw the finished product I knew I had to join in. 
A fatbook is a keepsake book made up of individual pages, all 4"x4", each page created and elaborately embellished by a different artist and then bound together with a theme.
 2010 was my first and it was great fun to be a part of. This year there was so many wanting to participate that our gracious host, Mary, offered to create and bind 2 different books, book 1 and book 2 but i chose to just be a part of book 1. I had 40 pages to make and spent the better part of the long holiday weekend last week completing them and then mailing them off. A tremendous amount of thought and work goes into each page. The theme for this year's Art and Soul is "In the Garden" which made for a great many good ideas to work with. I will share a picture of my pages as soon as the deadline for submission arrives.

Next on the list is the trades. If you have ever been to an art retreat you'll agree this is one of the most fun things to do. If you so choose, you can make up items to "trade" be it ATC's, charms, pins, jewelry, packages of ephemera, mini artwork,  whatever.  You include your contact info with the trade and it's a great way to meet new people and open conversations. You can follow the theme for the retreat or do your own thing, it's all good. I like to follow the theme and also to package my trades in a creative way.  It's always so nice to come home and go through all the loot and remember everyone you met. Typically I make about 50 trades.

Then there is the round robin that I have been participating in since we left Art and Soul a year ago.  A brilliant member of our "tribe", Joyce, suggested and is hosting a round robin to keep us all connected for the year between retreats. It consisted of each of us starting with an apron of our own, work style for most of us, and we had to embellish our own apron to start and then pass it along to be further embellished by each person in the group. We typically send out the next apron the first week of the month with the final apron being sent back to Joyce who will deliver them back to us upon arriving at the retreat. I can't wait to share pictures and stories of this, it's been hard to keep secret all year! I am awaiting the final apron to arrive so i can complete it and send it to Joyce. It was a wonderful idea and one that has kept us truly in touch with one another and has made the year pass by much more quickly!

Now to explain the photo at top-
I went to my first retreat as I said in 2009, Art and Soul Hampton.  It was there that I met the most wonderful, diverse group of kindred spirits I have ever known. Near the end of the retreat I said that I hated to leave as "I felt that I finally found my tribe". It was a feeling shared by all of us and we have developed lasting friendships over the past 2 years. The necklace hanging on my Santos in the picture was one I made for myself and also made one for every member of our "tribe" and gave to them last year at the retreat. The member medal is a component from antique Independent Order Of Oddfellows convention ribbons. The hand is for friendship, the roses are from vintage 1950's bracelets and although it cannot be seen there is also a heart locket dangling from the extender chain on the back both also for love and friendship. Each was made with czech crystals in the recipients favorite colors and capped and wrapped to resemble a vintage rosary. Vintage Haskell pearls, brass bolo chain, and rhinestone rondelles complete the pieces.
We all wore them the entire retreat last year and since coming home mine has hung on my Santos, where I can see and be reminded everyday of these friendships for which I am so grateful.

Soon it will be time to start gathering all my supplies and tools and packing to go to this year's retreat. If you happen to be going, I hope to meet you there and maybe even trade a little.

Souper Sunday - Busy Day Beef Stew

Busy Day Beef Stew
from: Taste Of Home
  • 8-10 Servings
  • Prep: 10 min. Cook: 10 hours


  • 1 boneless beef chuck roast (1 to 1-1/2 pounds)
  • 1 envelope onion soup mix
  • 2 teaspoons browning sauce, optional
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 6 cups water
  • 2 cups cubed peeled potatoes (1/2-inch pieces)
  • 6 to 8 medium carrots, cut into chunks
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 cup frozen peas, thawed
  • 1 cup frozen corn, thawed, optional
  • 5 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 6 tablespoons cold water


  • Place roast in a 5-qt. slow cooker; sprinkle with soup mix, browning sauce if desired, salt and pepper. Pour water over meat. Cover and cook on low for 8 hours.
  • Remove roast to a cutting board; let stand for 5 minutes. Add vegetables to slow cooker. Cube beef and return to slow cooker. Cover and cook on low for 1-1/2 hours or until vegetables are tender.
  • Combine cornstarch and cold water until smooth; stir into stew. Cover and cook on high for 30-45 minutes or until thickened. Yield: 8-10 servings.

Free: Button Rainbow Printable For St. Patricks Day

Create your own Button Rainbow Framed decoration for St. Patrick's day with this FREE printable from Funky Polka Dot Giraffe. Click here to download yours now.

DEAL:$10 for $20 Worth of Mabels Labels

This deal is perfect for school age kids - I personally use Mabel Labels on my kids belongings including their Lunch boxes, school supplies, toys and cloting. They make my mom life simple when it is time to label things.

Mabel's Labels - pay
$10 for $20 Worth of Organizational Labels from Mabel’s Labels. Prices. Click here to get deal now. *Plus use code FRIENDS20 and get an additional 20% off of your Mampedia deal making it only $8.00.

*For a limited time, you can use the coupon code FRIENDS20 to get 20% off any Mamapedia Sweet Deal! (Maximum discount of $10 off. One coupon code use per person. Offer ends 2/28 at midnight)

WIN - Barney Musical Zoo DVD

Tune in for wild musical fun with everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur, Barney and his playground friends, in the all-new Barney: Musical Zoo now available on DVD, Digital Download and On Demand from Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment.

Trusted by moms and adored by children, Barney displays sharing, caring, imagining, dancing and learning on television, online and through live events, home entertainment and publishing. The Emmy® award-winning series, Barney & Friends is one of the top-rated preschool shows today, airing on PBS KIDS® and PBS KIDS Sprout®. The DVD also includes a bonus episode of the all-new Preschool TV series, Timmy Time from the Academy-Award® winning Aardman studios.


Hear an elephant trumpet and a lion roar as Barney and Riff create a wild concert filled with exotic animal sounds in Barney: Musical Zoo. Join Riff as he composes for a different kind of puppet show and then BJ and Baby Bop get into the act, learning about rhythm and performing for others in this super-dee-duper orchestral treat that the whole family will enjoy.

Check out this new Barney Set:

Barney Learning Pack 6 DVD Set

Celebrate the gift of learning with Barney in this jam-packed 6 DVD compilation, containing educational episodes focusing on colors, counting, nursery rhymes and learning the alphabet. A great value, this gift set is the perfect present and a tee-riffic opportunity for your preschooler to learn important lessons with Barney & Friends.

The Set includes these DVDs:

  • It’s Time for Counting
  • Numbers! Numbers!
  • Now I Know My ABCs
  • Rhyme Time Rhythm
  • Let’s Play School!
  • Red, Yellow & Blue

WIN: 24/7 MOMS and Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment are giving away a Barney Musical Zoo DVD.

Enter for your chance to win:

1. Become a 24/7 MOMS Subscriber Enter your email address below then leave a comment that you subscribed along with your email address.

2. If you are already a subscriber just leave a comment that you are a subscriber along with your email address.

US entries only and one entry per person. Winner will be chosen on March 12, 2011.

Enter your email address:

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**We received a complimentary Barney Musical Zoo DVD & Barney Learning Pack - 6 DVD Set for review no financial compensation was received.

Table Talk

Tonight's Table Talk create conversation

Q: What has been your best work of art? Describe it.

Q: Why do hurricanes travel so fast?
A: Because if they travelled slowly, they'd be known as slow-i-canes.

(each day 24/7 MOMS posts a question and riddle to help you create dinner time conversation with your families)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

FREEbie - Irish for a Day: St. Patrick's Crafts and Recipes eBook.

Free Offer: Irish for a Day: St. Patrick's Crafts and Recipes eBook.

Included in this eBook:
Leprechaun Greeting Yard Sign (pg. 14)
Lucky Clover Pendant Necklace (pg. 20)
Good Luck Charm Bag (pg.27)
Felt Shamrock Garland (pg. 28)
County Cork Irish Sew (pg. 31)
Many other St. Patrick's Day crafts and recipes

Click here to download your Free eBook.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Buffalo Wing Bites

Recipes for stuffed pizza rolls, like these chicken-bacon ones, seem to be floating around. I don't think I have found a flavor combination that I haven't liked, but I haven't seen one like my Buffalo Wing Bites out there. Buffalo Wing anything is my hubbys favorite (thank goodness no one has put those flavors into dessert yet), and so I thought I might surprise him with something a little different - and very yummy! How could you go wrong with buffalo chicken and gooey cheese all wrapped in warm bread? And to top if off, homemade blue cheese dipping sauce, or ranch if you prefer. Did I say homemade, well nearly homemade, Hidden Valley packets are as close as it gets at my house. I figure it it's not broke, don't fix it!  These little dippers make a fun lunch or dinner served with celery sticks, or would be a fun appetizer or game-time food. Afterall, the best part of football is the food, right?

Buffalo Wing Bites
*Recipe By Crazy Daisy

1 package Hidden Valley Ranch dressing packet, divided
2 Tablespoons 100% grated Parmesan, the kind that comes in a green canister
1-2 Tablespoons butter, melted
3/4 cup milk
3/4 cup mayonnaise
2-3 oz blue cheese or Gorgonzola, optional
1 1/2 cups cooked shredded chicken (you need small pieces)
1/4 cup plus 2 Tablespoons Franks Buffalo Wing Sauce
1 1/2 cups shredded cheese, I used fine shredded Monterey Jack and Cheddar
1 roll refrigerated pizza dough, I prefer the thin crust because it is easier to roll out

Spray a pie plate, or dish of similar size with cooking spray.

In a small bowl, take 1 teaspoon of your ranch dressing mix and mix it with the 2 Tablespoons of Parmesan cheese and set aside.

In another bowl, stir the rest of your dressing mix with mayonnaise and milk. If you like blue cheese dressing, add about 2-3 oz. of blue cheese (depending on how strong you like it). Otherwise, leave it out to make ranch dressing. Place in refrigerator to chill and thicken.

In a medium bowl, mix together chicken and cheese. Add buffalo wing sauce and stir until everything is evenly coated.

Preheat oven, as directed on your pizza dough package.

Turn your pizza dough onto a lightly floured surface. Pat or roll until it's about  a 12"x13-ish" rectangle. Use your pizza cutter to slice the rectangle into 24 squares. Place about 1 teaspoon of the chicken mixture into the middle of each square. Pull corners together and pinch to seal. Then pinch the seams together to seal them as well. Place seam side down in your prepared pan. When all your Buffalo Wing Bites have been placed in your baking dish, brush them with the melted butter and then sprinkle your dressing-cheese mixture evenly over the top. Bake uncovered, as directed on your pizza dough package. They will be be nice and golden brown when they're ready. Serve warm with dressing and celery sticks. ENJOY!!!

When I have a big enough crowd, I like to make a double batch, using blue cheese for one of the dressing and leaving one plain as ranch. Yummo! If you double it, use 3/4 cup Franks Buffalo Sauce.

I'm sharing this yumminess with

Weekend Bloggy Reading

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Words to Love By {Don't Blink}

Teach my to number my days and count every moment, before they slip away

Since the day my first little one was born, I have told myself over and over - just don't blink, always afraid of missing something as my kiddos grow just that quickly! It doesn't seem to matter what I do, they grow much faster than I would like. There have been certain circumstances in my life that have led to understanding that just because a child is 6 months old, or six years old, tomorrow is not guaranteed. When I was in the seventh grade, we lost my baby cousin, 15 days after his second birthday. Tragically, I learned early in my life that even with their youth, there simply is no guarantee. And it is so easy to take them for granted as we eagerly look ahead and dream of our children's' future - it's just natural. Appreciating everyday single day, almost to the minute, with my kids is something I work very hard at. It's almost an obsession. But I need to expand this realization even broader, because life, not just my children's growing up, happens in a blink. Toys everywhere, who cares, have a play date - no one will remember those toys, but hopefully they will remember the friendship. Right?  Which is where this song comes in as it speaks to my soul, reminding me to live knowing my days are numbered. I don't want to miss a second or to look back asking what it is that I have done with my life. Slow it down before I turn around and its yesterday. I think it all comes down to presence. Once we learn to be present in our individual lives, then we can branch out giving others our presence. I can't think of better gift to give, as it substantiates our relationships and lets our loved ones know just how important they are to us.

What or who do you take for granted? I love to know I'm not alone...
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Friday, February 11, 2011

Chili Meat

I have been working on getting this recipe posted for quite some time now. It is my husband's favorite meal, hands down and I have been promising it to a friend for just about forever! This ones for you, Melissa! The problem getting it posted was that in the past, Momma Daisy usually made it, and it was one of those recipes that she just knew how to make without paying attention too much to measuring. So I had her tell me the basics, guessing on the measurments and sent off to conquer Chili Meat. After all, knowing how to make the husbands favorite meal is bound to come in handy.... I am sure we all can think of a few instances in which we've used food to bribe beg for forgiveness  treat our husbands.

When you make Chili Meat, you will need to consider your heat tolerance. Admittedly, I am a weenie! I do not enjoy spicy foods. So I may not be the best judge when it comes to this, but, I can tell you that making this dish with 5 chili peppers and two tablespoons of chili pepper liquid leave this dish just about a spicy as I can handle. I found that my lips tingled a little from the hot peppers. I enjoy it tamed down a little with only 1 tablespoon of hot chili pepper liquid and about 4 hot peppers (AND I MAKE SURE NONE OF THOSE BABIES END UP ON MY PLATE). If you like things on the spicier side, feel free to spice it up! You may have to play around a little to get it suited to your tastes, but it will be totally worth it!

Chili Meat
*Crazy Daisy Recipe adapted from Momma Daisy

3 lbs. hamburger
32 oz. chicken broth*
4 packages of McKormick Brown Gravy Mix
4-5 Hot Chili Peppers from a 16 oz. jar (usually found close to the pickles and roasted red peppers)
1-2 Tablespoons of the chili pepper liquid
2 onions
4 sweet peppers, assorted colors
3-4 tomatoes

Roll hamburger into 1-inch meatballs. In batches, brown meatballs in a dutch oven pot. Drain grease. Pour chicken broth into dutch oven. Stir in gravy packets, pepper juice, and peppers. Return meatballs to dutch oven. Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for an hour. 

Meanwhile, clean and prepare veggies. Cut onions and tomatoes into wedges (about 8 wedges each). Peel the onions wedges apart a little.  Cut sweet peppers into 1-inch pieces. After meatballs have simmered, its time to add veggies to steam on top. Place the onions on top of the meat, top with sweet peppers, and place the tomatoes on top. Cover, and let simmer until veggies are crisp tender, probably about 10-15 minutes. Serve over steamed rice. Enjoy!

*This recipe has been updated to a more user friendly version. Some of the prep dishes have been eliminated. I also find using the entire 32 oz. carton works just as well, if not better, and I don't have any left to contend with. I like how it gives a little more broth, without losing any flavor. The only difference I notice, is the broth is a little thinner, which I like. If you don't want to change, go ahead and stay with the original 24 oz.

PS - If you ever want to print any recipes from Crazy Daisy, just use the green button below!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

So Stylilized Blog Design !!!WINNER!!!

So Stylilized is an amazing blog designing machine! If you are looking for a fresh design, you definitely want to check them out! They are amazing to work with, and don't stop until you are thrilled! Do you remember the So Stylilized blog design giveway? Well, we have a winner, Vicki, from Nave Family Food!!! Congrats!!!

Thank you So Stylilized for this fabulous giveaway!

Haven't all these giveaways been fun? I sure hope to have more soon! If you have any ideas, let me know!
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Monday, February 7, 2011

Confetti CandyLand Popcorn

My six year old, created his own recipe, Confetti CandyLandy Popcorn, for the Wyoming Chocolate Festival. He wanted to take popcorn, M&M's, mini gummi bears, and pretzel pieces, mix them all together and cover them with white chocolate. He did everything except melt the chocolate. It was great math practice and he measured and counted everything out! This was his display (his poor little fingers hurt from making the pinwheels).
Isn't it funtastic? He won Best Presentation and 2nd place in his category; Everything Else. I love how the sweet and salty mix together and the gummi bears add a fun little twist! Are you wondering how to make his yummy creation? 
Here's the recipe:

CandyLand Popcorn
*Recipe By Little Crazy of Crazy Daisy

20 cups popcorn, kernels removed
2 1/2 cups M&M's
2 1/2 cups mini gummi bears
2 1/4 cups of pretzel sticks that have been broken into 4 or five pieces
2 bags of white candy melts

Line two cookie sheets with wax paper. Spray wax paper with cooking spray. Set aside. Mix popcorn, candy, and pretzel pieces together in a LARGE bowl  we used a roasting pan. Melt candy melts as directed on package. Pour melted white chocolate over popcorn mixture and mix well to coat evenly. Spread onto prepared baking sheets. Let dry. Enjoy.

I'm sharing this yumminess with
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap   up           party!

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

PowerCapes Givewaway !WINNER!

Custom Superhero Capes

Hooray! We have a winner! Danielle, from

is the winner of the custom cape with matching mask!


Thank you PowerCapes for such and amazing giveaway!!!
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Friday, February 4, 2011

Baked Reuben Dip

It's Super Bowl time! What do I we love about gametime? THE FOOD, of course! And here's another fun recipe, just in time! I have seen recipes like this one out there, but none were exactly as I wanted them, so I made one of my own. We had it for Christmas Eve and everyone raved about it! I think you will like it too!

Baked Reuben Dip
*Recipe by Crazy Daisy

Note: I find dips like this work best if you grate your own cheese. The additives in pre-shredded cheese don't lend themselves to melting as well as cheese you prepare yourself. You may also make this dip in the crock pot. Use a 3 qt. Crockpot on low for three hours, stirring occasionally to prevent burned edges.

2 1/2 cups deli corn beef, sliced thin and chopped
16 oz. sauerkraut, rinsed and drained well
2 cups swiss cheese, shredded
2 cups cheddar cheese, shredded
1 cup mayonnaise
1/8 cup Thousand Island Dressing

Combine all ingredients in a 2 1/2-3 qt baking dish. Bake at 350 until hot and bubbly, 30-45 minutes. Serve with chunks of rye bread, or crackers. We loved it with pretzel chips!

I'm sharing this yumminess with
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap   up           party!

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