Monday, March 7, 2011

Leprechaun Traps

It's time to get those traps ready!!!! Did you know leprechauns come out once a year to steal gold from your house to fill their pots with? That's right, March 17th, they sneak in to see if there is some shiny gold laying around that they can build their own collection with. How else would they ever have enough gold to fill the pot they hide at the end of the rainbow?  Legend has it, that a leprechaun who is caught honest and fair, will surrender his treasure as a bribe for his release. So, my boys try every year to catch those little green men with a special trap that they build. Those silly leprechauns manage to slip away every year, but every year we try again! Even though we haven't caught one yet, we are getting closer. We have learned a few things along the way that might just help us trick them yet! Here's what we know: 

First -  Leprechauns love GREEN! In order to lure them to your trap, you must use green. It reminds them of the rolling green hills from their Ireland home that is so far away!

Second - Leprechauns are pretty CLEVER, so you have to be tricky. We like to hang signs that say things like, "Leprechauns Welcome" or "This is not a trap!" We have even tried to make ours look like a little Leprechaun home.

Third - Just like any magical creature, leprechauns love sweets. So leave a treat of some kind. We like to leave a little crumb of bread with honey. Really anything sweet works, but you know how much the little green men like gold things, so honey seems to be a good choice.

Fourth - you must make your trap. There is something about a trap from the store that tips them off. They seem to smell those traps from miles away. They won't even get close. And every trap has to be differentor else they get suspicious! Anything you make works though! Try Legos, shoe boxes, oatmeal cartons, nets... anything! How will you trap yours?

Fifth - BAIT! You have to leave bait. What do you use for bait? Why GOLD, of course!  Again, anything seems to work.  The shinier the better! We have tried pennies, gold ribbon, sprinkles, honey, confetti... be careful though! Don't use anything very valuable because, if that rascally leprechaun escapes, and chances are he will, he just might take your beautiful golden bait with him! Now, we have been lucky and our leprechaun has always left chocolate gold as a treat for us (even though they are tricky, a leprechaun is honest and fair and won't take your gold without leaving something to trade with.) We have found gold wrapped coins, rolos, and even peanut butter cups. I have been told they sometimes leave a trail of green glitter or gold dust. And one year, he even left a tiny green footprint behind with a note that said, "Ha! Ha! Fooled you again!" 

This is what  our traps looked like last year

We are busy making our new traps, we'll keep you posted. 

Maybe this will be our year!

Do you have any fun St. Patty Day traditions? We'd love to hear about them!

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