Monday, March 7, 2011

How Much Do You Like To Save?

Coupons seem to be everywhere these days! Sometimes, I am good about using them, and sometimes not-so-good. I don't like having to take the time to actually use search engines to find coupon codes. However, I may have found a solution! Recently, I was told about CouponChief  which might just change that. It's this really cool place that takes most of the work out of finding online coupon codes - ones that are actually relevant to your needs. I put CouponChief to the test. I have a humongous window in my dining room that haunts me! The bids for having window treatments made for it were between $3000 and $4000!!!! Which is simply not happening. So I decided to see what might turn up using CouponChief. You can search using various tags, such as store, item, or category. When I searched using window treatments, I was directed to CurtainWorks, and JCPenneys, among several other places. I had found some drapes that I loved at Pottery Barn for around $600, but wanted to know what else was out there - I could think of other ways I would much rather spend $600. So I checked out the stores CouponChief suggested. I found some drapes nearly identical to the PB ones, and for way less. CurtainWorks order would have been around $330, while JCPenneys' total came out to $214!!!! Both companies were running sales, and with CouponChief's magic I saved nearly $30 off the total and almost $30 on shipping - $60!!!!! Happy Dance! And it was easy. I was given a list of coupon codes for each store and each had a little tag telling it's success rate and the last time it was used. This took quite a bit of the guessing out of finding codes that actually worked! I found that I   could even submit coupons I had used successfully to share with others. If I enrolled in their Pays-2-Share program, I could even get paid for submitting my coupons. And one of my favorite parts of this company is their Coupons-4-Causes program where they donate up to 20% back to your favorite charity! I love a company that gives back! In the future, with Coupon Chief, I will be using online coupon codes more frequently. Not only can I save using their coupon codes, I can get paid, and give to my favorite charity - all at the same time.... makes sense, doesn't it? Visit, to see how much you can save.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post provided by  I was provided compensation for posting this article. 
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