Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thanks A Latte {Thank You Gift with Free Printable} {Great for Teacher Appreciation Gifts}

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People amaze me. Yes, I find myself sharing company with crazies who seemingly strive to make things difficult just for the joy of it, but I also find myself surrounded by tons of caring individuals who use their amazing talents to extend kindness and happiness into the lives of those around them. I love witnessing these moments, especially when I am lucky enough to catch small acts of kindness, because despite how little they may seem, they often have gigantic and lasting effects. We often reserve thank you's for special occasions, sending them in response to gifts, but what about those times when someone gives a simple gift of their self - of time, energy, or in kind words or praise? Sometimes we not only fail to recognize these moments, but take them for granted as well. How sad. I try to remember to be mindful of those around me and of the gifts they extend. Whether it be the school crossing guard as he wipes tears from the eyes of a child who just scraped their knee, a friend simply showing up just because they are needed, or a teacher dedicating extra time and effort to make students feel like the treasures they are, there are so many people out their making differences and changing lives. Often, they go unnoticed. A simple thank you is all it really takes, but its fun to add a little something special. Which is why I love this "Thanks a Latte Gift" - it's an easy, fun, and inexpensive way to let someone know they have made a difference in your life. You can just tie these tags to a cold coffee beverage as shown (I've done them individually or even tied to the carton of four beverages), attach them to a coffee house gift card, or stick one on a reusable coffee thermos filled with treats and you are bound to bring a smile to someone's face. It's that simple.

All you have to do is download the document, print it onto card stock, cut or punch your tags out, and attach them to your gifts. Fast. Fun. Easy. I use this 3-inch circle punch to cut my tags out, but you could always use a glass to trace around or cut them into squares if you would rather.
Latte Printable
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