Woah! Seriously? Kel from, Between the Lines nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award - Wow! Thank you Kel, and thank you to everyone who is a part of Crazy Daisy! I am constantly amazed and in awe that you are all interested in what this Wyoming girl has to say. You are all blessings! Stop by Between the Lines when you have a chance, Kel has created a really fun little place!
The rules for this award are:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 10 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 10 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.When
Ten Things about Me
1. Every night, I thank God for my husband, children, and the gift of motherhood.
2. I have always wanted to run a marathon or participate in a triathlon.
3. I work hard to make my home a happy place to be (that means it is not always clean)
4. I sunburn in the time it takes to walk around the block
5. I volunteer for the MS Society in honor of my uncle
6. I love to run in the rain
7. I led my 5 year to an addiction with Marshmallow Creme
8. I just might share that same addiction
9. I celebrate each day - there is always something wonderful out there! I would rather devote my energy and time to happy things because the rest simply is not worth it!
10. I randomly shout "I love you" across my house - just because I want someone to know it that very moment!
10 Fantastic and Beautiful Blogger Deserving Blogs
Be sure to hop over to these fantabulous blogs and say hello!
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